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Welcome to the Office and Professional Employees International Union Local 39
The Office and Professional Employees International Union are office, technical and professional employees working together to improve our jobs and the lives of our families. OPEIU is the first, and largest, labor union in the United States and Canada dedicated to professional, technical and office workers. Local 39's organization begins with its members. We are a fighting, democratic union in Wisconsin and Illinois. We represent office/professional workers in credit union services, non-profits, tech, public services, utilities, universities, insurance, and much more. If you are looking to organize your workplace, organize with us!

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May 2017 15 May 2017

May 2017

We all use them: ATMs, self-checkout at the grocery, maybe even the ordering kiosks at a fast food joint. But have you ever thought about the true cost of using those machines? Machines can work 24/7, making them more convenient for us (and management) but what do they mean for the changing nature of work?